Monday, 20 April 2020

Photoshopped models with materiality

Here are some examples of my photoshopped models which I added some materiality to.  I was not a huge fan of what I had made and would like to go back and edit them if I have time. I followed a couple of tutorials which Nick gave us to add some textures and backgrounds but they don't look very realistic right now. I hope I can extend my skills in photoshop and get better at practices like this.

initials with materiality fusion360

Here are some examples of my initials with materiality which I added like rose copper, glass and blue paint. I stuck with my favourite colours mostly- blue and pink- as I wanted my models to reflect me in some way.

initials before materiality

The picture is quite blurry but this is a photo of my  initials before materiality that I made following the fusion360 tutorial on moodle

Laser cut model

This is an image of my Lasercut model which I made on Fusion360 following the uploaded tutorial. I had some trouble at first with the software, especially getting the planes to align with each other but was able to soon figure out how to do everything. It was hard but also fun learning a new software.

5th Model - best model scaled down

For this model I decided to use my third model which I liked the most and scale it down to a smaller size, and focus on creating cuts into it to create more texture and detail. I used black card paper and a stanly knife to cut small square boxes throughout which I then popped out. I then photographed this model and used photoshop to fix the blurriness of the background, change the brightness and contrast as well as add in some scaled people. Next to it is a small net which I made of my first model